An In-depth Skin Assessment

At Azure, we understand that knowing your unique skin profile is the first step towards recommending a treatment plan and diagnosis that can really make a difference in your overall complexion and skin health.
We provide our clients with an in-depth imaging system called the VISIA scan. The VISIA machine uses different types of light exposure and takes digital and UV pictures of your face to reveal the condition of your skin below the surface.
How It Works:
The VISIA system uses multi spectral imaging and analysis to capture the crucial visual information with respect to six areas that affect the health and look of your complexion:
• wrinkles
• spots
• pores
• complexion evenness (variations of the complexion colour)
porphyrins (presence of bacteria in pores)
• UV spots (photo damage characteristics and
typical for excess exposure to sun).
Frequently Asked Questions:
This complexion analysis will show the early signs of:
• Age spots
• UV spots from sun damage
• Fine lines and wrinkles
• Rosacea
• Enlarged pores
• Acne-causing bacteria
The VISIA gives us the most comprehensive analysis and will actually compare your overall skin health to someone of a similar age, ethnicity & sex. This comparison allows our medical aestheticians to assess your results, then suggest optimal treatments and skin care products that will help you achieve the best skin possible for you. It’s like getting a diagnosis and treating it with a prescription!
The system stores your details so you will be able to see the improvements on your skin after a series of treatments. This allows every client to monitor their progress from treatment to treatment, as well as the results after the application of recommended skin care products over the years to come.

Are you ready for your
Skin Analysis?
Schedule your complimentary VISIA complexion analysis today online.